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Awards, Grants, Fellowships and Scholarships


The Trust supports research projects in the fields of agriculture, agritech and the study of rural society. The Trust will not usually fund capital items or the salaries of primary researchers.

Research Awards

For research projects in the field of agriculture, agtech and rural society.

Postgraduate Scholarships

For those enrolled in a masterate or doctoral programme in the fields of agriculture, agtech or the studies of rural society.


To cover travel to the the UK for researchers or scholars in the fields of agriculture, agtech, or the study of rural society

Māori Scholarships

Scholarships for Maori students.

Research Awards

Research awards are for research projects in the fields of agriculture, agritech and the study of rural society.

Applications are invited for C. Alma Baker Charitable Trust Research Awards in August each year. Conditions for awards are as follows:

  • Research projects in the fields of agriculture, agricultural technology and studies of rural society are considered.

  • Funds may be granted to provide technical, travel, consumables, sample testing, or other support for established researchers. The Trust will not usually fund capital items, pay the salaries of principal researchers, or cover institutional overhead charges.

  • The Trust expects to make a number of awards in the range of $10,000-$40,000.

  • The Trust is not able to approve project funding on a multi-year basis but will consider funding projects on an annual basis in response to a series of applications.

  • Postgraduate scholarships to cover student stipends are available through individual application, closing 1 February each year. See below for details.


Applications may be made online via the Research Awards form.

Applications close on 15 October; late applications will not be accepted.

Postgraduate Scholarships

C. Alma Baker Postgraduate Scholarships are available to students enrolled or intending to enrol in masterate or doctoral programmes in the fields of agriculture, agritech or the study of rural society.

The Trust reserves the right to make no awards in any given year. The award of scholarships will be based on academic achievement and relevance of the proposed research to the Trust's objective.

Scholarships are valued at a maximum of $13,000 a year for masterate students and $20,000 a year for doctoral students. For masterate students, funding will be for one year (normally for a course including a significant research component); for doctoral students, awards may be for up to three years subject to satisfactory progress and the provision of regular reports.

In awarding scholarships, the Trust will take into account other awards held by the candidates.

Candidates must be New Zealand citizens, and graduates of a New Zealand university; awards are available for those intending to undertake postgraduate research either in New Zealand or overseas.

At their discretion, the Trustees may make other educational awards from time to time.


Applications may be made online via the Postgraduate Scholarships form.

Applications close on 1 February; late applications will not be accepted.



Unfortunately, no Fellowships will be offered in the 2024-25 financial year due to the extremely difficult financial conditions caused by adverse weather conditions, rising on-farm costs and declining farm product values.

Fellowships are offered to facilitate the travel between New Zealand and the United Kingdom of senior researchers or scholars in the fields of agriculture, agritech, or the study of rural society.

C Alma Baker Charitable Trust Fellowships awards are for a single grant of $NZ15,000 to cover travel, airfares and expenses for the duration of the Fellowship.

It is assumed that a short visit (up to one month) will be made and that the Fellow’s salary will be covered by other sources.

It is expected that benefits from the visit will accrue more widely than to a single institution. As well as being a contribution to the research/extension programme of the individual, a discernible benefit to agriculture and related fields (broadly defined) in the United Kingdom and New Zealand is expected.

The selection of Fellows is based on either an expression of interest from individuals or nominations from colleagues, appropriate institutions or professional societies in either country.

Nominations or expressions of interest are invited annually.


These Fellowship Awards / Scholarships are in abeyance for the 2024-25 year.

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Māori Scholarships

Unfortunately, no Maori Scholarships will be offered in the 2024-25 financial year due to the extremely difficult financial conditions caused by adverse weather conditions, rising on-farm costs and declining farm product values.

Scholarships for Maori students.

Alma Baker Maori Scholarship Awards are available to students enrolled in programmes in the fields of agriculture, agritech or the study of rural society.

The Award of scholarships will be based on academic achievement.

Candidates must be New Zealand citizens.


These Fellowship Awards / Scholarships are in abeyance for the 2024-25 year.