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Research Awards Application

Applications close 15 October

Outcome is advised in December. Payment in a single tranche is made in the New Year. Project completion is 30 June the subsequent year, with a report on the research, outcome and significance due at that time.


Research Awards Criteria and Conditions

Project Description and Methodology

Please provide a description of the project, methodology, and anticipated outcomes. 1000 words maximum.

Please also note that your application should be expressed in a way that will make it comprehensible to lay members of the Committee, as well as those with specialist knowledge.


Please provide a detailed Budget (personnel costs, equipment, operating costs, etc) for the project, showing total anticipated costs and all sources of funding, and whether funding is approved or application is anticipated or under consideration. Please indicate specifically those parts of the project for which funding is sought from the C. Alma Baker Trust. Budgets should exclude GST.


Please outline the significance of this project in scientific terms and for agriculture more broadly. 200 words maximum. 


Research Awards
Application Form